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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 64, Issue 4, pp. 1099-1475

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Curvature-Induced Dispersion in Electro-Osmotic Serpentine Flows

Ehud Yariv, Howard Brenner, and Sangtae Kim

pp. 1099-1124

Geometrical Optics Approximation for Nonlinear Equations

A. A. Maradudin, F. Bass, V. Freilikher, and V. Prosentsov

pp. 1125-1132

Statistical Stability in Time Reversal

George Papanicolaou, Knut Solna, and Leonid Ryzhik

pp. 1133-1155

Structure from Motion: A New Look from the Point of View of Invariant Theory

Mireille Boutin and Pierre-Louis Bazin

pp. 1156-1174

Congestion Redux

J. M. Greenberg

pp. 1175-1185

Surface Green's Functions for an Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Elastic Half-Space

Brett Shoelson, Hongxue Cai, and Richard S. Chadwick

pp. 1186-1197

Point Dynamics in a Singular Limit of the Keller--Segel Model 1: Motion of the Concentration Regions

J. J. L. Velázquez

pp. 1198-1223

Point Dynamics in a Singular Limit of the Keller--Segel Model 2: Formation of the Concentration Regions

J. J. L. Velázquez

pp. 1224-1248

Parameter Estimation of the Hodgkin--Huxley Gating Model: An Inversion Procedure

Guan Jun Wang and Jacques Beaumont

pp. 1249-1267

Singular Perturbations for Boundary Value Problems Arising from Exotic Options

Aytac Ilhan, Mattias Jonsson, and Ronnie Sircar

pp. 1268-1293

Modelling Annular Micromixers

Anne Gelb, James P. Gleeson, Jonathan West, and Olivia M. Roche

pp. 1294-1310

Total Bounded Variation Regularization as a Bilaterally Constrained Optimization Problem

K. Kunisch and M. Hintermüller

pp. 1311-1333

Constructing Multiply Connected Quadrature Domains

Darren Crowdy and Jonathan Marshall

pp. 1334-1359

Parametric Resonance and Radiative Decay of Dispersion-Managed Solitons

Dmitry E. Pelinovsky and Jianke Yang

pp. 1360-1382

Collapse of the Keldysh Chains and Stability of Continuous Nonconservative Systems

Alexander P. Seyranian and Oleg N. Kirillov

pp. 1383-1407

Discretization of Continuous Spectra Based on Perfectly Matched Layers

Frank Olyslager

pp. 1408-1433

A Diffusional-Thermal Theory of Near-Stoichiometric Premixed Flames

Eliana S. Antoniou, John K. Bechtold, and Moshe Matalon

pp. 1434-1456

A Semicontinuous Formulation of the Bloch--Boltzmann--Peierls Equations

Ch. Auer, F. Schürrer, and W. Koller

pp. 1457-1475